I love this time of year but it always seems to get here before I'm ready for it. I have been trying to get all my decorations up and get the house ready for Christmas. I think we may get it all together before Christmas actually gets here. My husband is still working on the lights for the kitchen and I think he is almost done. The new light fixture above our dining room table is prettier than I expected. I ordered all the lights from Pottery Barn and I am very pleased with them. My mom and I made the curtains for my dining room but I need a few more rings for the top of the curtains before I post pictures of them. The only thing left to do in the kitchen will be the trim on top of the cabinets and a few decorations on the walls. Besides the busy schedule I won the "plum pudding pincushion" from Bluebird Quilts.. If you haven't visited her site I invite you to visit. She is very talented and has beautiful quilts and other hand made items.This is my first win in the blogging world! I am planning a give away when I reach my 100th post which will be soon. I need information on how winners are drawn. I know some of you print the entries and draw, others of you have various methods of drawing. Please share with me the quickest and easiest way to draw a winner? I hope to have more time to post when I'm caught up with the Christmas rush.
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