I promised pictures of Mom's Cypress Knee Santa's that she hand paints. These pictures were taken by Jason Anderson the Texas Country Reporter's photographer. He sent several pictures of the Santa's but none of the ladies painting them. I wanted some of them actually painting the Santa's but maybe he will send more. The episode will air in the Spring and I'll let you know when the exact date will be when we get that information. They are coming back to film the area where the cypress stumps are cut. My Dad goes to the river or creek and the cypress knees are along the bank area where the trees grow. He cuts them with a chain saw and then my mom brings them home and boils a large pot of water and places the cypress knees in the water. This loosens the bark so that she can remove the bark for a smooth surface to paint the Santa's. It's really a long process but so worth the results. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
I have been busy working on some of my small projects and my giveaway that is coming up soon. I will post pictures and instructions of those "little goodies" soon. The sun is out for the first time in a long time so I am going to take a walk and soak up a few "rays" and then back to the new sewing machine!
Love the cypress knee santa's. My mother collects sants's and I know she doesn't have one out of a cypress knee. I grew up in NW Tenn. where Reelfoot lake is located and has lots of cypress trees. Would love to add to her collection of Santa's so where could I get one. Also, do you know where I might be able to buy cypress knees in the dallas metroplex area? Any info on either question would be appreciated.