Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Early Bird gets the Worm?

primitive table I found at an estate sale.
I woke up Tuesday morning at 4:30 a.m. to get ready for my trip to Austin. I get excited when I'm going to go on a trip and I can't sleep! I think I have ADHD tendency's (at least my kids think that). I keep thinking I'm going to miss out on something if I don't get up early and get going! LOL....Well I left Newton at 6 a.m. had to turn around and go back to the house a couple of times because I forgot things....imagine that! I ended up still forgetting a few things. I am going to paint Linsi's headboard white and fix it for her before she moves to Dallas. I made a few stops on my way here and bought a few treasures. My only problem with trying to leave so early and not miss anything "the stores are not open that early" so I didn't get to stop and do any antiquing until I reached Brenham! Once into Austin I met Haley and Eliza for lunch. Eliza is a precious little girl that she babysits. On my way here, I got a phone call from my antique store and they said I had sold my primitive table and some other items in my booth. This was the table that I really didn't want to sell but I guess it's too late now. I'll post a picture of it, it was very old. The nails were square that held it together. I am going to a few places here in Austin to look for pieces to refinish and put in my booth spaces. I am going to have to get busy when I return home. This has been a good month for my booth sales, I'm excited! Haley and I are taking Eliza to play in the water today at this park. I have got to get ready before they get here! Have a great Wednesday. By the way the kitchen is coming a long nicely. I"ll post the progress when I get back home. The tile is finished and it looks great.

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